VIDEO | Pain Management in Long-Term Care Facilities. GOLTC webinar recording, 4 June 2024
Pain Management in Long-Term Care Facilities. GOLTC webinar recording, 4 June 2024
16 Aug 2024
This webinar was hosted by the Global Observatory of Long-Term Care (GOLTC) as part of the GOLTC Pain in Care Homes Interest Group
Date: Tuesday 4 June 2024
Time: 12pm-1pm BST
Pain is connected with emotional, cognitive, and behavioural disorders as well as functional issues. Moreover, chronic pain increases suffering, disability and social isolation which impacts negatively upon a person’s emotional, psychological, emotional and social wellbeing and consequently leads to a reduced quality of life and more years spent living with disability. People living in long-term care facilities are often living with dementia or cognitive impairment, frailty and multiple comorbid conditions and can experience complex forms of pain. As a consequence, long-term care facility residents are likely to experience issues with mental capacity and communication which can impact on their ability to articulate their pain and how this impacts upon them this has a significant impact on all aspects of their life and well-being. A person living with dementia may exhibit distressed behaviours as a result of experiencing pain and all too often this is considered indicative of a symptom of dementia as opposed to a manifestation of unmanaged pain. Therefore, focusing on improving the identification, assessment and management of pain in residents living in long-term care is of the utmost importance.
The webinar covers:
- Introduction to the Global Observatory of Long-Term care and the Pain in Care homes and welcome (Adelina Comas-Herrera, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, LSE, UK).
- Introduction to the GOLTC Interest Group (Dr Zena Aldridge: Social Care Nurse Fellow- NIHR Nursing and Midwifery Office, UK. Dr. Manuela Hoedl: Medical University of Graz. Prof Sandra Zwakhalen: Maastricht University, Netherlands)
- Presentation: Development of the PAIC “Pain assessment in impaired cognition PAIC” Wilco Achterberg (Leiden University, Netherlands)
- Presentation: “Translation and validation of the Brazilian PAIC” Patrick Wachholz (Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil)
- Q & A: Current status of the PAIC instrument & further plans? International comparisons? What are the experiences of using the PAIC?
- Discussion about the Interest Group next steps led by the steering group members