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GOLTC webinar recording: Supporting young and young adult carers: International practice and policies

GOLTC webinar recording: Supporting young and young adult carers: International practice and policies


Taiwan, RoC

Employment education and family carers
Younger carers

14 Jun 2024

We are delighted to share the recording from this webinar organised by the GOLTC Employment, Education, and Family Carers Interest Group that took place on the 22nd March 2024.

The GOLTC Employment, Education and Family Carers interest group seeks to share research exploring these impacts and experiences of national and/or local policies and strategies to provide more equitable support to carers to remain in or return to work and education, and financial protection for those on low incomes or not in paid work.

What are the impacts of unpaid care provision on the education and employment of family carers? How does this affect young carers and other carers with diverse experiences and needs?

1. Welcome and Introduction to the Global Observatory of Long-Term Care (Adelina Comas-Herrera, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, LSE, UK)

2. Introduction to the GOLTC Employment, Education, and Family Carers Interest Group (Dr Nicola Brimblecombe, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, LSE, UK)

3. The Progress of Research and Welfare Services for Young Caregivers in Taiwan (吳書昀 Dr. Shu-yun (Jessie) WU, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan)

4. Young carers: International Perspectives (Professor Saul Becker, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK).

5.  Discussion about the Employment, Education, and Family Carers Interest Group and next steps ( Stecy Yghemonos, Executive Director, Eurocarers)

Relevant publications:

Becker, S. (2007). Global perspectives on children’s unpaid caregiving in the family: Research and policy on ‘young carers’ in the UK, Australia, the USA and Sub-Saharan Africa. Global social policy, 7(1), 23-50.

Brimblecombe, N., & Cartagena Farias, J. (2022). Inequalities in unpaid carer’s health, employment status and social isolation. Health and Social Care in the Community30(6), e6564-e6576.

Brimblecombe, N., Knapp, M., King, D., Stevens, M., & Cartagena Farias, J. (2020). The high cost of unpaid care by young people: health and economic impacts of providing unpaid care. BMC Public Health20(1), 1-11.

Brimblecombe, N., Fernandez, J. L., Knapp, M., Rehill, A., & Wittenberg, R. (2018). Review of the international evidence on support for unpaid carers. Journal of Long-Term Care, (September), 25-40.

Joseph, S., Sempik, J., Leu, A., & Becker, S. (2020). Young carers research, practice and policy: An overview and critical perspective on possible future directions. Adolescent Research Review, 5, 77-89.

Leu, A., & Becker, S. (2017). A cross-national and comparative classification of in-country awareness and policy responses to ‘young carers’. Journal of Youth Studies20(6), 750-762.

Lewis, F. M., Becker, S., Parkhouse, T., Joseph, S., Hlebec, V., Mrzel, M., Brolin, R., Casu, G., Boccaletti, L., Santini, S., D’Amen, B., Socci, M., Hoefman, R., de Jong, N., Leu, A., Phelps, D., Guggiari, E., Magnusson, L., & Hanson, E. (2023). The first cross-national study of adolescent young carers aged 15–17 in six European countries. International Journal of Care and Caring, 7(1), 6-32. Retrieved Dec 5, 2023, from

Purcal, C., Hamilton, M., Thomson, C. and Cass, B. (2012), From Assistance to Prevention: Categorizing Young Carer Support Services in Australia, and International Implications. Social Policy & Administration, 46: 788-806.


You can find out more about the GOLTC Employment, Education and Family Carers interest group here.