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Economics of Social Care Compendium ESSENCE

Economics of Social Care Compendium ESSENCE

Project website
Project status
Michela Tinelli
PI Name
Martin Knapp
Host institution
Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science
Team members
Professor Martin Knapp (CPEC LSE) Dr Michela Tinelli (CPEC LSE) Ms Annette Bauer (CPEC LSE) Dr Helen Weatherly (University of York) Dr Magdalena Walbaum (CPEC LSE) Ms Shari Jadoolal (CPEC LSE) Mr Ben Schlaepfer (CPEC LSE)
Funded by
NIHR School for Social Care Research (UK)




Funding type


Project Summary

The ESSENCE (EconomicS-of-Social-carE-CompEndium) project is an online resource which is free to access. It currently contains a collection of case studies covering a range of social care interventions as well as a database of relevant publications on a broader spectrum of social care interventions. Its aim is to support decision-makers to access and understand the economic evidence for social care interventions (organised in ‘bundles’ of evidence).

We have produced a comprehensive collection that brings together relevant pre-existing research, together with new findings on costs or cost-effectiveness generated mainly through simulation modelling. We want the toolkit to be useful for people outside as well as within the research community.

We are updating the material on the ESSENCE website to ensure that relevant evidence is available and easily accessible. We are consulting potential users of the material to help us improve the layout and content of the Toolkit. Also, we are working to raise awareness of the Toolkit and encourage its use. We aim to improve wider understanding of this economic evidence base and of the methods of economic evaluation through related training and by developing learning materials. We will soon be adding evidence on economics studies in the child social care field.

Outputs / expected Outputs

The ESSENCE toolkit includes:

26 Bundles of evidence [made of individual case summaries  + Individual publications]

28+ Case summaries

1300+ individual publications


Output 1Showcasing economists in NIHR ARCs & PRUs – ESSENCE Presentation 10th October 2023

Showcasing economists in NIHR ARCs & PRUs – ESSENCE Presentation 10th October 2023

Output 2ESSENCE articles published on Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2020

ESSENCE articles published on Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2020

Output 3ESSENCE findings published by JLTC

ESSENCE findings published by JLTC