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JOIN4JOY- Enjoy physical activity to battle sedentary behaviour and inactivity among older adults from a socially inclusive perspective

JOIN4JOY- Enjoy physical activity to battle sedentary behaviour and inactivity among older adults from a socially inclusive perspective

Project website
Project status
Javier Jerez-Roig
PI Name
Laura Coll-Planas
Host institution
Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya
Team members
Laura Coll-Planas, Javier Jerez-Roig, Maria Giné-Garriga, Montse Romero-Mas, Dolores Forgione, Michael Denkinger, Dhayana Dallmeier, Sergi Blancafort-Alias, Guillaume Lefebvre, Paolo Caserotti, Mathias Skøjdt, Ricard Castro-Prat, Eduard Minobes-Molina, Ainhoa Nieto-Guisado, Júlia Ferrés, Nadine Barth, Damaso Sanchez, Jose Luis Socorro-Cumplido, Oriol Sansano-Nadal, Blanca Roman-Viñas, David Campos, Carles Parés-Martínez, Mahsa Amini, Erika Karkauskienė, Aimar Intxaurrondo, Lucie Bassinah, Andrea Fuente-Vidal
Funded by
Award Number
Project/Action code: 101050674- JOIN4JOY.



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Funding type


Project Summary

Previous scientific evidence suggests that enjoyment can be a key element towards improved adherence to physical activity interventions, while social inclusion could be a vehicle towards enroling otherwise hard-to-reach individuals.

The Join4Joy project aims to co-create and implement a framework for joyful, and socially-inclusive physical activity interventions to foster behaviour change towards increased physical activity (PA) and decreased sedentary behavior (SB) in people 65 or over.

Sevent partners (i.e., University of Vic -coordinator, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Ramon Llull University, University of Southern Denmark, Bethesda Klinik Ulm, Siel Bleu Foundation, ISES Association) and 5 countries are involved. A total sample of 144 end-users is to be achieved, including individuals living in the community and in long-term-care settings.

Educational materials will be generated, with a compilation of scientific evidence, Join4Joy co-creation results and Join4Joy acquired interventional experience. The educational course will be available upon registration and free of charge , for professionals and students to enrich their knowledge and practice.

You can find out more about the Join4Joy project at our website

Project Aims
  • To co-create and implement a programme for 65+, to encourage a sustained increase in PA and reduction of SB in their daily life and thus increase their QoL in all biopsychosocial dimensions of health.
  • To train health and sports professionals and students and produce an educational cascade effect.
  • To create virtual communities of practice for knowledge and experience sharing
  • To evaluate the feasibility, acceptability and impact of the programme and the educational course in both community and long-term-care settings 
Project Methods

A Join4Joy Intervention framework will be co-created with social agents, including older adults, their relatives, care-givers, staff, academics, students, researchers and policy makers.

A Join4Joy educational course will be created and iteratively enriched.

The research project will consist of a multicentric, pragmatic, pre-post feasibility study using mixed (qualitative and quantitative) methods.

The intervention will consist of twelve, one-hour weekly sessions of structured, physical activity facilitated by trained professionals. Additionally, behaviour change strategies will be implemented. End-users and facilitators will paralelly be invited to join local or global virtual communities of practice to share their experiences across settings and countries (Spain, Denmark, Germany, Italy, France).

Project Findings / expected Findings

We expect our interventions to foster adherence to physical activity interventions, increase satisfaction and enjoyment both for professionals and end-users and to facilitate integration of older adults with diverse abilities.

Outputs / expected Outputs



Output 1

Output 2

Output 3