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COCARE Project

COCARE Project

Project website
Project status
Dividat AG
PI Name
Manuela Omlin
Host institution
Dividat AG
Institution web page
Team members
DIVIDAT AG Switzerland ETH Switzerland Don Gnocchi Italy Materia Cyprus
Funded by
The COCARE Project is supported by the AAL Programme, the European Commission and the national funding agencies from Switzerland, Italy and Cyprus.


Cyprus | Europe | Italy | Switzerland
Prevention and rehabilitation and LTC | Technology and LTC
Funding Type
Foundations | International agencies | NGOs) | Private for-profit | Private non-profit (charities | Public (including government)
Focus groups | Usability study
Project Summary

Technology-driven rehabilitation process
Due to the fast ICT development over the past decades, technology offers the opportunity to provide digital solutions for tele- rehabilitation including technology-based training in the home environment as well as a digital centralized case management. So far, there is no model on the market for a validated and user-friendly geriatric tele-rehabilitation approach which includes technological solutions for home-based, individually tailored training as well as digital centralized case management. The COCARE solution is a technology-driven ecosystem for in- and out-patient rehabilitation as well as a tool for supervised home-based rehabilitation (tele-rehabilitation). The solution combines a user-friendly software (including patient, assessment, and training management) and dedicated hardware to ensure a safe, reliable, and effective experience and treatment along the whole geriatric continuum-of-care.

Project Aims

Towards a new solution for active aging.
In today’s health care markets there is a strong need for digital, remotely controlled, home-based training and therapy. New technologies make it possible to continue therapies regardless of location. Therapies can be customized in real time and based on the collected data, results are recorded and the therapy is optimized. Within the framework of this research project, we will create a comprehensive system for geriatric rehabilitation, that can be used in the whole continuum-of-care (in clinic and at home). We are aiming towards a solution that improves the rehabilitation process and brings a significant benefit for patients.
