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Global Dynamics of Long-term Care Policies ( CRC 1342 Project A07)

Global Dynamics of Long-term Care Policies ( CRC 1342 Project A07)

Project website
Project status
Johanna Fischer
PI Name
Heinz Rothgang, Simone Leiber
Host institution
University of Bremen & University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Institution web page
Team members
Daniela Brüker, Johanna Fischer, Simone Leiber, Heinz Rothgang, Meika Sternkopf, Davide Viero, Migyeong Yun
Funded by
Project A07 is part of the Collaborative Research Center 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy” at the University of Bremen. The center is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation - project number 374666841—SFB 1342



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Funding type


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Project Summary

Project A07 focuses on the comparative research of long-term care systems and policies. It thus builds on the results of projects A04 and B07 of the first funding phase of the CRC on the global spread and design of long-term care systems and the role of migrant caregivers. The project has three research goals. The first two goals are pursued by means of macro-quantitative surveys and analyses, the third goal by means of comparative country case studies.

Firstly, project A07 will investigate how long-term care systems have developed from their introduction to the present with regard to their – de jure as well as de facto – coverage and their generosity. Special attention is also paid to the question of public coverage of the risk of dementia. The data collection focuses on the period from the introduction of the respective system in the country until today and is based on existing comparative studies, country-specific literature and laws as well as interviews with country experts.

Secondly, the time- and space-related patterns of inclusion and exclusion dynamics as well as performance dynamics are described and explained. In terms of explanatory approaches, the main focus is on the actors, ideas and institutions that are of particular relevance to the inclusion, exclusion and performance dynamics. Here we plan to include, for example, the role of women’s (movements), cultural norms, international transfer of ideas and migration.

Thirdly, comparative case studies will be used to examine in depth linkages and the mechanisms behind them, which are of great importance not only for inclusion, exclusion and benefit dynamics, but also for the mode of regulation, service provision and financing, i.e. the design of the security system itself. On the one hand, horizontal linkages, such as those that arise through the transfer of ideas or through migration movements, are examined on the basis of the care policies of two East Asian countries, South Korea and Taiwan. On the other hand, we analyse vertical linkages between international organisations and states in care policy in South America with case studies on Uruguay and Chile.

Outputs / expected Outputs

Please see here for (future) publications by the project:


Output 1

Output 2

Output 3