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NEWS: LTC Systems Topic

LTC Systems

08 Jul 2024

GOLTC webinar recording: State of LTC Assessment: Multi-stakeholder participatory approaches

GOLTC webinar – State of Long-Term Care Assessment: How can multi-stakeholder participatory approaches be used to build consensus and plan LTC reforms? This GOLTC Long Term Care Policy Interest Group webinar took place on the 24th June 2024, as a joint even with the WHO Regional Office for Europe and Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs […]

21 Jun 2024

NEW GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Serbia

We are delighted to share the new GOLTC Long-Term Care system profile for Serbia, written by Nataša Todorović and Milutin Vračević (Red Cross of Serbia and Gerontological Society of Serbia). Highlights from the LTC system profile for Serbia: Formal Long-Term Care services in Serbia are split between the social welfare, healthcare and the pension insurance systems, without much […]

10 Jun 2024

NEW GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Ireland

In the GOLTC Long-Term Care system profile for Ireland, Brendan Walsh and Sheelah Connolly (Economic and Social Research Institute and Trinity College Dublin) describe the Irish LTC system. Highlights from the Irish LTC system profile: The Irish LTC system relies heavily on unpaid family care, supplemented by publicly funded formal services. The most established component […]

11 Jun 2024

Profil des Langzeitpflegesystem für Österreich

Wir freuen uns, die deutschsprachige Version des österreichischen Profils des Langzeitpflegesystem zu teilen. Danke an Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger (WIFO, Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung)and August Österle (WU, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien). Sie können das Profil des Langzeitpflegesystem für Österreich hier lesen.  

01 May 2024

New GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Finland

In the GOLTC Long-Term Care system profile for Finland, Leena Forma (Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Tampere University) and Emilia Leinonen (University of Jyväskylä) describe the Finnish universal public Long-Term Care system. Highlights from the Finland’s System Profile: In 2023 there was a major change in governance, transferring responsibility for organising care from over 300 […]

22 Mar 2024

GOLTC webinar recording: Recent Developments in Long-Term Care Policy in China, France, Japan and Sweden, 26 February 2024

Are you interested in Long-Term Care Policy and would you like to know about the latest developments internationally? On the 26th February, the Global Observatory of Long-Term Care  (GOLTC) hosted the first webinar of the GOLTC Long-Term Care Policy Interest Group. The webinar brought together experts on Long-Term Care in China, France, Japan and Sweden […]

26 Feb 2024

New GOLTC Long-Term Care System profile: Brazil

Explore Brazil’s Long-Term Care (LTC) system profile through the insightful work of authors Patrick Alexander Wachholz, Ruth Caldeira de Melo, Paulo José Fortes Villas Boas, Marisa Accioly R.C. Domingues, and Karla C. Giacomin. The authors emphasize the need for improved governance and organizational structures to enhance LTC coordination and efficiency in Brazil. This system profile […]

08 Feb 2024

ILPN2024 Calls for Abstracts: Shaping the Future of Long-Term Care

The 7th International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-Term Care (ILPN2024) is set to convene in Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain, from 12 to 14 September 2024. Co-hosted by the International Long-Term Care Policy Network (ILPN) and the Government of Biscay, ILPN2024 provides an engaging platform for researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals to connect, collaborate, and advance […]

05 Feb 2024

Cracking the code: Latest data science trends in long-term care research | GOLTC webinar recording

Are you interested in connecting with others who are using data science in long-term care research? On Tuesday 5 December 2023, the new Global Observatory of Long-Term Care (GOLTC) hosted a webinar which brought together researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to share and discuss the latest applications of data science in long-term care research. The webinar […]