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Project NameTopic(s)Countries

Social Care COVID Recovery & Resilience: Learning lessons from international responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in long-term care systems

Care integration/ coordination; COVID-19 and other infectious diseases and LTC; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; Governance and LTC systems organisation; Information and data systems in LTC; LTC Policy; LTC Systems; LTC Workforce; Residential LTC services; Rights and people’s voices in LTC systems; Workforce pay and conditions; Denmark   France   Japan   Netherlands   United Kingdom   United Kingdom (England)  

National Dementia Workforce Study

Care Homes; Care integration/ coordination; Care outcomes; Community-based LTC; Data catalogues; Dementia care and support; End-of-life care and LTC; Evaluation of LTC systems and services; LTC Systems; LTC Workforce; Outcome measurement in LTC; Primary Health Care; Survey measures; United States  

Addressing the communication needs of long-term care home residents with dementia and hearing loss

Access to care; Dementia care and support; LTC Workforce; Person-centered care; Residential LTC services; Survey measures; Unmet needs; Unpaid / informal care; United Kingdom  

Worldwide Elements To Harmonize Research In long-term care liVing Environments (WE-THRIVE) Consortium

Care outcomes; LTC Policy; LTC systems in LMIC countries; LTC Workforce; Outcome measurement in LTC; Person-centered care; Brazil   Canada   China   United Kingdom   United States  

Supporting Adult Social Care Innovation (SASCI)

Care innovations; LTC Workforce; Social Innovation in LTC; Technology and LTC; United Kingdom (England)  

Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare)

Care inequalities; Care innovations; Care integration/ coordination; Dementia care and support; Epidemiology and ageing trajectories; Financing LTC; Gender and care; Governance and LTC systems organisation; LTC Policy; LTC Reforms; LTC Systems; LTC Workforce; New models of care; Rights and people’s voices in LTC systems; Stigma and discrimination; Survey measures; Technology and LTC; Unmet needs; Unpaid / informal care; Finland  

Nursing home staff burden during COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 and other infectious diseases and LTC; LTC Workforce; Austria