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08 Jul 2024

GOLTC webinar recording: State of LTC Assessment: Multi-stakeholder participatory approaches

GOLTC webinar – State of Long-Term Care Assessment: How can multi-stakeholder participatory approaches be used to build consensus and plan LTC reforms? This GOLTC Long Term Care Policy Interest Group webinar took place on the 24th June 2024, as a joint even with the WHO Regional Office for Europe and Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs […]

01 Jul 2024

GOLTC webinar recording: Current long-term care policies and challenges in three Asian tigers

On 25 March, the GOLTC Long-Term Care Policy Interest Group convened a webinar on “Current long-term care policies and challenges in three Asian tigers”. The webinar featured: Welcome and Introduction to the GOLTC LTC Policy Interest Group (Adelina Comas-Herrera, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, LSE) Chairing and session introduction (Johanna Fischer, University of Bremen) Presentations: […]

22 Jun 2024

GOLTC Blog post: Spain’s new National Strategy for a new model of community care

  On the 18th June the Spanish Congress approved a National Strategy for a new model of care in the community (2024-2030). We are delighted that the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumer Affairs and 2030 Agenda have contributed a blog post providing an overview of the Strategy’s objectives, its scope, and the public participation process through which it […]

21 Jun 2024

NEW GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Serbia

We are delighted to share the new GOLTC Long-Term Care system profile for Serbia, written by Nataša Todorović and Milutin Vračević (Red Cross of Serbia and Gerontological Society of Serbia). Highlights from the LTC system profile for Serbia: Formal Long-Term Care services in Serbia are split between the social welfare, healthcare and the pension insurance systems, without much […]

10 Jun 2024

NEW GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Ireland

In the GOLTC Long-Term Care system profile for Ireland, Brendan Walsh and Sheelah Connolly (Economic and Social Research Institute and Trinity College Dublin) describe the Irish LTC system. Highlights from the Irish LTC system profile: The Irish LTC system relies heavily on unpaid family care, supplemented by publicly funded formal services. The most established component […]

11 Jun 2024

Profil des Langzeitpflegesystem für Österreich

Wir freuen uns, die deutschsprachige Version des österreichischen Profils des Langzeitpflegesystem zu teilen. Danke an Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger (WIFO, Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung)and August Österle (WU, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien). Sie können das Profil des Langzeitpflegesystem für Österreich hier lesen.  

30 May 2024

State of Long-Term Care Assessment: How can multistakeholder participatory approaches be used to build consensus and plan LTC reforms? 24 June 2024

State of Long-Term Care Assessment: How can multistakeholder participatory approaches be used to build consensus and plan LTC reforms? Connect with the Long-Term Care Policy Interest Group to find out! GOLTC Long Term Care Policy Interest Group webinar Date: 24 June 2024 Time: 13.00-14.30 BST Link: Register to join on Zoom Multistakeholder, participatory processes are […]

22 May 2024

New Guidance from World Health Organization: Long-term care for older people: Package for universal health coverage

New report launched from the World Health Organization Long-term care for older people: package for universal health coverage In 2020, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030), which is a transformative collaboration of diverse sectors and stakeholders to foster healthy ageing for older people. The fourth Action Area […]

01 May 2024

New GOLTC system profile: Long-Term Care in Finland

In the GOLTC Long-Term Care system profile for Finland, Leena Forma (Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Tampere University) and Emilia Leinonen (University of Jyväskylä) describe the Finnish universal public Long-Term Care system. Highlights from the Finland’s System Profile: In 2023 there was a major change in governance, transferring responsibility for organising care from over 300 […]

22 Mar 2024

GOLTC webinar recording: Recent Developments in Long-Term Care Policy in China, France, Japan and Sweden, 26 February 2024

Are you interested in Long-Term Care Policy and would you like to know about the latest developments internationally? On the 26th February, the Global Observatory of Long-Term Care  (GOLTC) hosted the first webinar of the GOLTC Long-Term Care Policy Interest Group. The webinar brought together experts on Long-Term Care in China, France, Japan and Sweden […]

08 Feb 2024

ILPN2024 Calls for Abstracts: Shaping the Future of Long-Term Care

The 7th International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-Term Care (ILPN2024) is set to convene in Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain, from 12 to 14 September 2024. Co-hosted by the International Long-Term Care Policy Network (ILPN) and the Government of Biscay, ILPN2024 provides an engaging platform for researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals to connect, collaborate, and advance […]

30 Jan 2024

GOLTC Long-Term Care Policy Webinar, 26 February 2024

Recent developments in Long-Term Care Policy: Perspectives from China, France, Japan and Sweden GOLTC LTC Policy Interest Group webinar   Date: Monday 26 February 2024 Time: 13.00-14.00 GMT (you can check your local time here.) Register to join us on Zoom. How are different countries developing and strengthening their Long-Term Care (LTC) systems? The LTC […]


08 Oct 2024

Caring as we would like to be cared for

26 Jan 2024

Worldwide Elements To Harmonize Research In long-term care liVing Environments (WE-THRIVE) Consortium

12 Sep 2023

Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare)

26 Jul 2023

Global Developments in Health Care Systems and Long-term Care as a New Social Risk (CRC 1342 Project A04, 2018-2021)

Global Dynamics of Long-term Care Policies ( CRC 1342 Project A07)

19 May 2023

Development of Ageing Strategy for Greece


Mari Aaltonen

Mari Aaltonen (PhD in Gerontology, Adjunct Professor in Public Policy) currently works as a Chief Researcher at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Her work focus on aging, longevity, memory disorders and dementia, end of life care, health care, long-term care, health and social care policy, and informal care. She has done quantitative […]

Zena Aldridge

My career in health and social care has spanned across four decades, initially in domiciliary care and as a nursing auxiliary in acute, community and social care settings, before undertaking my nurse training in 2003. I qualified as a mental health nurse at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in 2003 and have spent much […]

Chloe Alexander

Chloe Alexander is an expert on young carers. Her research examines inequalities, family life and the impact of public policies. Her theoretical work develops the use of affect theory and explores the politics of care. She specialises in qualitative research, including ethnography, visual research and creative methods. She is part of the ESRC Centre for […]

Rochelle Amour

Advocate, gerontologist, researcher, writer and consultant at Mastering Excellent Service Ltd. Raising awareness of mental health in high-stress sectors, and helping hospitality entities become more age-friendly.

Kjartan Anthun

PhD in Public Health. Also works at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Reiko Arami

Reiko Arami is a Professor at Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University and a visiting fellow at CPEC of LSE. She received her Ph.D. in political science from the University of Tokyo in 2013. She previously served as an Associate Professor at Nagoya University (2014-2021) and was a Visiting Associate Professor at MIT (2016-2018). Her […]

Greg Arling

Dr. Arling is Professor in the School of Nursing at Purdue University and a Faculty Associate in Purdue’s Center for Aging and the Life Course. He has been a principal or co-investigator on projects supported by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Veterans Health Administration, National Institute on Aging, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid […]

Naiara Artaza

Naiara Artaza is the Head of the Nagusi intelligence Center (NIC) and adviser for social care strategic projects at the Cabinet Office of the Government of Biscay. She is an experienced professional in health and social care systems, during a 25+ years of professional career, she has gained an extensive experience in healthcare and social […]

Liat Ayalon

Liat Ayalon, PhD, is a Professor in the School of Social Work, at Bar Ilan University, Israel. Prof. Ayalon is the Israeli PI of the EU funded MascAge program to study ageing masculinities in literature and cinema. She was the coordinator of an international EU funded Ph.D. program on the topic of ageism (; 2017-2022). […]

Mehmet Fatih Aysan

Mehmet Fatih Aysan is a Professor of Sociology at Marmara University and the director of the Center for Population and Social Policies. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario (2011) and taught Sociology at the same university (2010-2012). He previously served as a faculty member in the Department of Sociology (2012-2020) and […]

Diogo Azevedo

I am a healthcare executive with experience leading healthcare organizations through significant periods of transformation and restructuring. With a proven track record of improving operational efficiency, promoting financial sustainability, and raising standards of quality and patient safety, I am also currently an advisor to the Brazilian Human Resources Association of the Paraná region. My professional […]

Pieter Bakx

I am an associate professor affiliated with the Health Economics group at the Erasmus School for Health Policy and Management. Furthermore, I am a fellow of the Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (Netspar).

Sarah Barber

Dr Sarah Louise Barber is a health economist and policy specialist. Before becoming Director of the WHO Kobe Centre, she worked on strategic policy issues with the World Health Organization, including as Senior Health Policy Advisor in the Office of the Regional Director for Africa, WHO Representative to South Africa, Team Leader for Health Systems […]

Rebecca Bilton

Passionate about the delivery of high-quality research and the translation of research into practical and meaningful community and industry outcomes, Rebecca specialises in research management, collaborative research partnerships and the successful delivery of large state and national projects. Since 2008, I have had pivotal involvement in the strategic planning, implementation and translation of innovative national […]

Valerie Bösch

Working in the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Department IV/B/12 – Care and nursing staff, quality assurance, dementia strategy  

Simon Bottery

Before joining The King’s Fund in September 2017, Simon spent almost 10 years as Director of Policy at the older people’s charity Independent Age, researching and campaigning on issues including care home quality, unmet needs for care and social care funding. At The King’s Fund he is currently leading projects on the social care workforce, […]

Shuli Brammli-Greenberg

Shuli is a Health Economist, holds a PhD in economics with a specialization in Health Economics. She has many years of expertise as an applied researcher of the health system in Israel with a focus on research areas of health economics, health insurance economics and health policy. Until November 2019, Shuli was the head of the Health Economics and Health […]

Nicola Brimblecombe

I am a mixed methods researcher whose research focuses on unpaid/informal carers including young carers and support for carers, housing and care, unmet need and inequalities in care, and the wider determinants of care need and care use.  I joined the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2012 and am currently leading a […]

Elizabeth Brooke

Author of Creative Ageing and the Arts of Care: Reframing Active Ageing published 2022 (Emerald Publishing). Over 120 publications including two authored books, book chapters, articles in peer reviewed journals, published reports and national and international conference presentations. Recent international book chapters on Australian landscapes of extended working life policies and gender. Associate Professor, Director […]

Jorge Browne

Jorge is a physician with training in Public Health (MSc Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Epidemiology (MPhil Epidemiology, Cambridge University), and Geriatrics. He is also an Assistant Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Throughout his career, he has combined clinical practice in geriatrics, research, and participation in public policy. […]

Robert Burke

Robert Burke, MD, MS is the Associate Division Chief for Research in the Divisions of General Internal Medicine and Hospital Medicine and an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. Dr. Burke’s research seeks to reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and long-term nursing home care for frail older adults. For example, […]

Ludovico Carrino

Ludovico Carrino is a Senior Lecturer of Public Economics at the University of Trieste and Visiting Professor at King’s College London. He has worked as External Consultant on the Public Economics of health and ageing for the World Health Organisation (Kobe Centre for Health Development). His research is focused on applied public economics, covering topics […]

Georgia Casanova

Italian researcher specialized in social health policy at national and international levels. Social researcher in welfare issues since 2002, using the applied research approach to cross-countries and evaluation analysis. Expert in quantitative and statistical methods analysis, together with qualitative methods. She worked and studied in different European countries and developing countries in Africa and the […]

Alexander Chaverri-Carvajal

Alexander Chaverri-Carvajal is a professor at the University of Costa Rica. He holds a degree in Political Science and a master’s in public services and social policies. Also completed his Doctorate in Public Policy (PhD) at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, Spain. His primary focus has centered on public policies. In Costa Rica, […]

Maria Cheshire-Allen

Maria is a Senior Research Fellow. Her research interests include unpaid care, ageing, care inequalities, and social care markets, with a particular focus on the role of community and social enterprise organisations in the social care sector.  Her mixed methods Fellowship study aims to explore the contribution of social enterprise organisations in supporting unpaid carers. […]

Yueh-Ching (Ching) Chou

I identify myself not only as a researcher but also a practitioner and an activist advocating disabled people’s opportunities to live independently in the community. Before I completed my Ph.D. program at the University of Minnesota, I had been a social worker in Taipei City and a care worker at an institution for people with […]

Cheryl Chui

Dr Chui’s research examines the role of civil society actors including nonprofits, social enterprises, social businesses and other hybrid organizations in facilitating positive change at the individual, community, and policy levels. Her works on nonprofit management, social innovation and entrepreneurship, community development, and age-friendly cities have been extensively published in peer reviewed journals. More recently, […]

Michael Clark

Mike has longstanding research interests and expertise spanning, adult social care, mental health, dementia, homelessness and acquired brain injuries – and the interactions across these fields. Crosscutting these, he is also interested in inequalities in care, integration of care, understanding complex, relational and system perspectives on implementation, and coproduction and citizen science approaches to spanning […]

Norma Coe

Norma B. Coe, PhD is an Associate Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the Perelman School of Medicine. She is the Co-Director of the Population Aging Research Center (PARC) and Co-Director of the Get Experience in Aging Research Undergraduate Program (GEAR UP), but funded by NIH. Her research interests are in health economics […]

Dolors Comas-d’Argemir

Me doctoré en la Universidad de Barcelona en 1978. Hice una estancia postdoctoral en l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, París (1984) y en el Goldmiths’ College, Londres (1991). He contribuido a la institucionalización de la antropología social en Cataluña: fundación del Institut Català d’Antropologia (1978) e introducción de los estudios de antropología en […]

Adelina Comas-Herrera

I have a background in Economics (BA and MSc, Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and I’m currently Assistant Professorial Research Fellow at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science and director of the Global Observatory of Long-Term Care. During the Covid-19 pandemic I led the development of the […]

David Cullen

I held senior roles in the Australian Public Service working in the aged care, disability services and health sectors for twenty-five years, including as: • Chief Economist of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (2016-2022). • Chief Economist at the Australian Department of Health (2012-2016). • Principal Advisor, Aged Care Policy at the Australian Department of […]

Nereide Curreri

Nereide Alhena Curreri, PhD is a gerontologist with special interests in dementia and integrated care. She currently holds a position as researcher with the Centre of Competence on Ageing at the University of Applied Sciences & Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) where she coordinates the Italian language region’s participation in the National Implementation Programme – […]

Walter Dawson

Walter Dawson is a lifelong advocate for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and their care partners. Dawson is an Assistant Professor at the Layton Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease Center at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) School of Medicine in Portland, Oregon and a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health with the […]

Eliane Domingue

Éliane Domingue is a Continuing Care, Site and Cancer Clinic Manager in Alberta Health Services. With many years of international healthcare experience, she is committed to creating diverse, inclusive and compassionate teams that are equipped to address healthcare challenges and enhance patient care. She earned a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy from Université Laval and an […]

Sara Elkiki

Policy Advisor Long-Term Care at Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport of the Netherlands

Cansu Erdogan Cengiz

After completing my Master’s degree in Sociology at Bielefeld University in 2019, I have started my PhD in 2020 and am now in the final stage of my PhD project, which examines the agenda-setting process in this policy area in Turkey within the framework of the increasing need for long-term care in a global context. […]

Diana Eriksonaite

I am a policy officer for long-term care in the European Commission.

Francisco Escribano Sotos

(PhD) in Economics and Business Administration, University of Castilla La Mancha, Degree in Economics and Business Administration University of Valencia. Department: Economics and Finance Associate profesor at University of Castilla-La Mancha Director of CUFA GEstión Digital en Logística y Transporte Director Curso de Formación Continua en Emprendimiento en Economía Social Principal Research at R+D Economics, […]

Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger

Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger is Senior Economist at the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (Research Group “Labour Market, Income and Social Security”) since 2007. Her work focuses on socioeconomic aspects of long-term care, the interfaces between the labour market and social security, and the socioeconomic effects of the ageing population. Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger completed a PhD programme in […]

Maria Aurora Fenech

I graduated with a Diploma in Physiotherapy in 1989, and subsequently read for a Post-Graduate Diploma in Gerontology & Geriatrics (Melit.) from which I graduated in 1999.  In 2001, I graduated with a Master in Geriatrics and Gerontology (Melit.), having presented my dissertation entitled “Abuse within a Chronic Care Institutional Setting for Older Persons in […]

Jose-Luis Fernandez

José Luis is Director and Associate Professorial Research Fellow at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science. He is also Director of the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Adult Social Care (ASCRU). A health and social care economist, José Luis specialises in ageing-related policies, the interaction between health and […]

Johanna Fischer

Johanna Fischer is a postdoctoral researcher at the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy” at the University of Bremen, Germany. After completing her PhD on the emergence and types of long-term care systems worldwide in 2021, she currently focuses on comparatively analyzing the inclusiveness and generosity of long-term care schemes and […]

Pilar Gangas

Pilar Gangas (female) is Senior Researcher in IFIC since March 2021. She has completed PhD in Political Sciences, Master in Social Sciences, having worked on qualitative and qualitative research and/or project management in more than 70 projects over more than 25 years, including quality, risks and costs management, compliance with coordinator’s guidelines and GA, end […]

Gisela Garcia

Economist with Masters’ degree on Global Health and over 20 years of diverse technical and operational experience in international development. She has worked at the Bank in several capacities across Health, Gender, Social Protection and Poverty. Her most recent assignment was at the Independent Evaluation Group where she evaluated many health operations and lead the […]

Berta González Antón

Degree in Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master’s Degree in Inclusion of People with Disabilities from INICO, University of Psychology of Salamanca. Postgraduate in Mental Illness and Behavioural Alterations in People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities. International University of Catalonia. Currently (since 2021) she is an advisor to the State Secretary’s Cabinet for […]

Claire Goodman

Claire is a district nurse by background and a Fellow of the Queen’s Nursing Institute and  a National Institute of Health Research Senior Investigator. Her research focuses on the health and social care needs of the oldest old, including those affected by dementia and living in long-term care.  for over  15 years she has researched […]

David Grabowski

David C. Grabowski, PhD, is a professor of health care policy in the Department of Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School. His research examines the economics of aging with a particular interest in the areas of long-term care and post-acute care. He has published over 225 peer-reviewed articles, and his work has appeared in […]

Lena Gronbach

Coming soon!

Ester Gubert

Ester Gubert is a PhD candidate in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento, Italy. She is working on a comparative thesis on care trajectories for dependent older people in long-term care. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the University of Ferrara and her master’s degree in Methodology, Organization and […]

Nina Hemmings

Researcher at the Nuffield Trust, an independent health and care think tank based in London, UK.

Tommy Henderson-Reay

A registered social worker, Tommy has worked in social care both locally and nationally. Having started his career as social worker in adult social services he worked across a number of different settings with adult social care. He went on to complete an informatics fellowship at NHS Digital and subsequently worked for the not for […]

Helena M Hernández-Pizarro

Helena M Hernández-Pizarro is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Research in Health and Economics (CRES) – Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and Assistant Professor at the Business Department – TecnoCampus Mataró, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. My primary research field is Health Economics, with a focus on ageing and long-term care and mental health But I also have interests in other branches of […]

Andreas Hoff

Andreas Hoff is Professor of Social Gerontology at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and director of the research institute “Gesundheit, Altern, Arbeit, Technik” (GAT) (English translation: “Health, Ageing, Labour, Technology”). In this role he has been an associate member of Eurocarers since 2019. He represents informal carers’ interests in his role as Vice Chair of […]

Bo Hu

Bo holds a PhD in Economics from Nankai University, China, and a PhD in Social Policy from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Bo’s research focuses on the utilisation and financing of long-term care for older people in the UK and China. His research interests include: social determinants of long-term care utilisation, […]

Shereen Hussein

Shereen Hussein is a Professor of Health and Social Care Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the UK. She is an established multi-disciplinary research leader with extensive social care and health research experience working primarily with policymakers in the UK and internationally. Her background is in medical demography, statistics and computer science. Shereen leads an extensive research portfolio on adult social […]

Frode F. Jacobsen

Frode F. Jacobsen, a trained social anthropologist with a background in health studies, has performed fieldwork in Northern Sudan, Indonesia, Jordan, Bolivia, the US, Canada, Great Britain and Norway within the field of medical anthropology. He has been working comparatively for several years on organization of older people’s care and on age-friendly physical and social […]

Sarah Jasim

Sarah is a Research Fellow in Social Care within the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science. Through her role she supports CPEC’s partnership in the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North Thames, as a member of the ARC-NT’s Research Partnership Team. Sarah is also a Policy Fellow for the London […]

Yun-Hee Jeon

Professor Yun-Hee Jeon is a registered nurse, academic and leading Australian researcher in psychogeriatrics and gerontology. Her research focuses on developing innovative and creative approaches to improving the health and wellbeing of older people. She studies ways to improve care quality and service delivery for older people in care, develop workforce capacity in aged care, […]

Veronica Jiang

Zixi Jiang is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Marketing, UNSW Business School. Her research focuses on how to trigger behavioral changes and people’s decision processes. Her research has appeared in top journals, such as Journal of Consumer Research and Journal of Marketing Research. She is a fervent advocate for educational inclusivity and committed […]

Lennarth Johansson

Lennarth Johansson (LJ),  psychologist, PhD, Associate professor in Gerontology, School of Health and Welfare, Jönköping University, has over forty years of experience in research and developmental work in housing, services, and care of older people. From 1993 to 2016 he held a position as research leader at the National Board of Health and Welfare responsible […]

Marios Kantaris

Marios Kantaris holds a PhD in Health Policy and Planning of Health Services and an MBA in Health Services Management. He has been a visiting faculty at various universities and a national expert on long-term care at the European Social Policy Network. His research interests include access to healthcare for vulnerable groups, health inequalities, long-term […]

Maria Karagiannidou

Maria is a research officer within Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and she is teaching (i). Poverty, Inequality and Inclusion and (ii). Understanding International Social and Public Policy at the Department of Social Policy (LSE). In addition to her research post, she is currently […]

Hannah Kendrick

I am a Research Officer at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science. I am currently working on an NIHR funded evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of research-practice partnerships between academics and social care practitioners.  Prior to this role, I completed a PhD in Health and […]

Hongsoo Kim

Dr. Hongsoo Kim is a professor of health policy and aging at the Graduate School of Public Health and director of the Center for AI in Health and Care at the Artificial Intelligence Institute at Seoul National University (SNU), South Korea. Dr. Kim’s research areas include aging and health policy, long-term care systems, health-care system performance and […]

Aimée Kingsada

Since June 2023, I am a Postdoctoral researcher at Université Paris Cité, affiliated to the Applied Economics Department (LIRAES) and the Chaire AgingUP!. The Chaire AgingUP! aims to investigate the economic implications of aging, the effectiveness of elderly policies, and the organization of care provision. My research explores the challenges of preventing loss of autonomy and the effectiveness of innovations […]

Mariam Kirvalidze

I am a Medical Doctor and a PhD Student at the Aging Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet. My field of study is geriatric epidemiology, and my research interests include long-term social and health care systems, informal caregiving and consequences of care provision on one’s own health, and general implications […]

Andrzej Klimczuk

Andrzej Klimczuk, PhD, a sociologist and public policy expert, assistant professor in the Department of Social Policy of the Collegium of Socio-Economics at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland. Editor and correspondent of publications about computer and video games in the years 2002-2009. In 2011-2013, Vice President of the Foundation’s Laboratory Research and Social […]

Teppo Kröger

Teppo Kröger is Professor of Social and Public Policy at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy of the University of Jyväskylä. He is Director of the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare). He is a regularly invited speaker in national and international conferences and seminars and an expert consulted frequently by policy-makers and […]

Sum Kung

I am a former Registered Social Worker in Hong Kong for more than 20 years. I intervene in the area of children, youth and family living in underprivileged and marginalised situation, such as poverty, ethnical community, women, children with special education needs and youth-at-risk. I am interested in empowerment model with consciousness-raising, policy advocacy and […]

Simone Leiber

Since 2017 Professor for Political Science with a focus on Social Policy at the University of Duisburg-Essen. 2010-2017 Professor for Social Policy at the Department of Social and Cultural Studies of the University of Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf. 2004-2010 Senior researcher at the Institute for Economic and Social Studies (WSI) at the Hans Böckler Foundation, Düsseldorf. […]

Kai Leichsenring

Kai Leichsenring is Executive Director at the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Vienna, since 2016. His background is in Political Sciences/Social Policy (Dr.phil., University of Vienna) and Organisational Development Consultancy. During his career as a researcher, he specialised in comparative and applied social research and policy consultancy with a focus on ageing, […]

Niamh Lennox-Chhugani

Dr Niamh Lennox-Chhugani is Chief Executive of the International Foundation for Integrated Care. She has experience in evidence-based transformation in healthcare internationally as a clinician, academic and consultant. She has led care programmes in the NHS over the span of 30 years. She also has international policy experience with the World Bank and WHO including […]

Sha Li

I am a PhD student at the University of Bath in the Department of Social Policy Sciences. My PhD research focuses on the topic “Who will look after our older people in China in the future?” I have a keen interest in the long-term care industry and aim to pursue a nursing degree in the […]

Yiran Li

My research focuses on social policy, governance and community development in Australian society. Current projects include: governance of age-friendly community, local government practices in designing and delivering social programs, and social inclusion and integration.

Mariana López-Ortega

I have been working in health policy and health systems research since the year 2001. I currently work as a Researcher in the National Institute of Geriatrics, one of Mexico’s National Institutes of Health, where I have been since the year 2010, almost since its creation. Before completing my PhD (2005-2009) I worked at the […]

Anushka Madhukar

Anushka Madhukar is a Research Assistant at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science. She is a mixed-methods researcher and her primary areas of interest are understanding systematic inequalities, informal and unpaid care, and health and social-care policy. She graduated with a degree in Political Economy from the London […]

Juliette Malley

I am an Associate Professorial Research Fellow at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science and an NIHR School for Social Care Research Senior Fellow. My research interests include innovations in the delivery and organisation of adult social care; evaluation of complex interventions, including issues relating to […]

Simone Manfredi

Simone Manfredi is research fellow at CeRGAS SDA Bocconi School of Management in the Government, Health and Non Profit division and PhD student in political studies at the University of Milan.

Joanna Marczak

A university researcher interested in different areas of long-term care including care coordination, unpaid care, prevention and innovation in health and social care.

Patrik Marier

Patrik Marier est professeur titulaire au département de science politique de l’Université Concordia. Il détient un doctorat en science politique et un certificat d’études européennes de l’Université de Pittsburgh (États-Unis). Ses recherches portent principalement sur la gérontologie sociale et les enjeux de politiques publiques en lien avec le vieillissement de la population dans une perspective […]

Roberto Martínez Lacoba

I work as a lecturer in the Department of Economic Analysis and Finance at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). I am a member of the Economics, Food and Society Research Group (GEAS). I teach Financial Economics – undergraduate courses – and Health Economics and Financing – Masters and PhD courses. I am a member […]

Jiby Mathew Puthenparambil

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, working in the CoE AgeCare Project. I earned my doctoral degree in Social and Public Policy from the University of Jyväskylä. My PhD was on “Marketization of Care within the Nordic Context: Private Care Provision for Older People in […]

Joaquín Mayorga

Joaquín is a PhD candidate within the Department of Social Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research focuses on the effects of disabilities and disability policies both on people’s objective and subjective well-being and the ones of their families and caretakers. Joaquín holds a BSc. in Economics and a Master […]

Brian McGarry

Dr. McGarry is a physical therapist and health services researcher with an interest in the economics of aging. His research focuses on older adults’ navigation of the Medicare program and long-term care system, as well as the impact of public policies on the cost and quality of care delivered to older adults. He completed his […]

Julien Mercille

I have been based at University College Dublin (Ireland) for a number of years now. I focus on long-term care, political economy, privatisation and marketisation.

Julia Montserrat Codorniu

Good knowledge of and strong research record in the national context regarding pensions, long term care and social inclusion. Expertise in applying quantitative research methodology. Considerable experience of acting as a national expert within networks of independent experts for the EC. Since 2014 member of Spanish team of the European Social Policy Network (ESPN).  

Elena Moore

I am a Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cape Town. I am the author of Generation, Gender and Negotiating Custom in South Africa (Routledge, 2022), Divorce, Families and Emotion Work (Palgrave, 2017) and (with Chuma Himonga) Reform of Customary Marriage, Divorce and Succession in South Africa (Juta & […]

Sara Moreno Colom

Sara Moreno Colom has obtained Ph.D in Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She is teaching sociology as an associate professor appointed to the Department of Sociology (UAB),  and researcher at the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work -QUIT and at the Institute of Labour Studies. She was Vice Dean of Professionalization […]

Catherine Needham

Catherine Needham is Professor of Public Policy and Public Management in the Health Services Management Centre, at the University of Birmingham. A public policy specialist, Catherine focuses on public service reform, with a particular focus on UK long-term care (particularly care markets and care systems). She is Associate Director of the National Institute for Health […]

catia nicodemo

I am health economist with interest in LTC, migration, workforce, and health care delivery

Henk Nies

Prof. dr. Henk Nies is emeritus endowed professor of Organisation and Policy Development in Long-term Care at the Vrije University of Amsterdam. Further, he is member of the Quality Council at the National Health Care Institute of the Netherlands, Advisory Member of the committee on Social Security and Health Care of the Dutch Social Economic […]

Makandwe Nyirenda

Research Scientist at the South African Medical Research Council, and honorary senior lecturer in the School of Public Health and Nursing, University of KwaZulu-Natal. Trained in Demography and social statistics. Skilled in both quantitative and qualitative research methods, with extensive experience in biomedical clinical trials, socio-behavioural observational studies and longitudinal surveillance systems. Main research interests are […]

Nicholas O’Neill

I am a PhD candidate at University College Dublin fully funded by the Irish Research Council, Government of Ireland postgraduate scholarship (amount: €112,250.00). My research currently focuses on political economy of LTC. Since January 2022, I also teach and grade several UCD undergraduate modules on topics such as: Brexit, globalisation, geopolitics, sustainability, climate change, and […]

Leonardo Obando-Víquez

Tax lawyer, graduated from the University of Costa Rica and the Costa Rica Institute of Technology. He has built his career as a legislative advisor and currently serves the Minister of Human Development and Social Inclusion of Costa Rica for the implementation of the National Care System for Dependent Adults and senior adults (SINCA) as […]

Reiko Ogawa

Reiko Ogawa is a professor at Graduate School of Social Sciences, Chiba University in Japan. Major in sociology and migration studies, her research interest is on migration and care work and have collaborated with scholars from Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan and Korea doing comparative work on migration policies and practices in Asia. She has also worked […]

Pedro Olivares Tirado

Olivares-Tirado was a co-founder of the Pre-Hospital Care System (SAMU) in Chile and has served as a senior researcher at the Superintendency of Health, a government institution that regulates private health insurance and providers. Currently, he is a visiting professor at the Mental Health Program of the University of Chile. He has been selected for […]

Deborah Oliveira

I am a Registered Nurse with a PhD by the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. I currently work as Assitant Professor at the Faculty of Nursing, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile. I also collaborate as consultant on long-term care for the Panamerican Health Organization (PAHO). I am an associate member of MICARE (Millennium Institute for Care Research), […]

Camille Oung

Camille is a Fellow at the Nuffield Trust and has worked on many research projects and evaluations relating to social care. She leads the Trust’s work on social care across the UK’s four countries, and has extensively researched France’s social care system. Camille has previously worked at the Department of Health and Social Care, and […]

Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck

Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck is group leader and Principal Investigator of collaborative and international project CareOrg ( at the Institute of Sociology and the Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Gender (CGC) of Goethe University Frankfurt. She is interested in connection between migration, care and social inequalities, specializing in questions of ageing and transnational families, welfare/policy analysis […]

David Palomera

David Palomera is a policy consultant and researcher at the Institute of Government and Public Policy, Autonomous University of Barcelona. He holds a PhD with the title “Social Care and Welfare State Residuality: An Empirical Approach to Long-term Care and Childcare Services, Institutions, and Outcomes”. He also holds a BSc in Economics from Pompeu Fabra […]

Isabel Pardo Garcia

I have a background in Economics (BA) University of Valencia) and Ph. D in Economics and Business Administration, University of Castilla La Mancha.  I’m currently Senior lecturer at the Department of Applied Economics in the University of Castilla La Mancha. I managered “Curso de Formación Continua en Emprendimiento en Economía Social” and  the intergenerational seniors […]

Sungchul Park

I am an associate professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Korea University (Republic of Korea). I am a health economist and a health services researcher with particular expertise in payment and delivery care systems. I have the following 3 research interests:  Understanding the impact of policy interventions on health care with a […]

Luz Maria Peña Longobardo

Luz María Peña is a tenured professor in the Department of Economic Analysis and Finance and belongs to the Health Economics Research Group (GIES) of the University of Castilla La Mancha. Her scientific activity is focused on the economy and health management with special emphasis on the social cost of diseases and the use of […]

Ito Peng

Ito Peng is the Canada Research Chair in Global Social Policy and the Director of the Centre for Global Social Policy at the Department of Sociology, and the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto. She is a leading researcher and expert in global social policy and political economy, […]

Roberta Perna

Roberta holds a PhD in Political Sociology from the University of Turin (2017). Since 2024, she is tenured research fellow at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Priori to that, she was post-doctoral fellow ‘Juan de la Cierva – Incorporación’ at the Complutense University of Madrid (2022-2023), Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow at the University of Liège […]

Monica Perracini

Associate Professor at the Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Physical Therapy at City of São Paulo University and a Research Fellow in Gerontology at the University of Campinas in São Paulo. She has been working as a physiotherapist in caring for older people for more than twenty years in Brazil. The British Council sponsored her […]

Ruru Ping

Ruru (Dr. des.) is a PhD candidate in Economics at Hitotsubashi University in Japan. Her PhD research focuses on strengthening the sustainability of the long-term care system in China, using a comparative approach with the Japanese system. Ruru applies both quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the socioeconomic determinants of healthy ageing and to analyse […]

Virginija Poškutė

Virginija Poškutė, Professor at the ISM University of Management and Economics in Vilnius, Lithuania. She is an economist and social policy analyst, holds PhD in Economics from Vilnius University (Lithuania), Master’s degree from Roskilde University (Denmark) and University of Bath (UK). Virginija was visiting scholar at University of California, Berkeley and Fulbright researcher at Darden […]

Debora Price

Sociologist and gerontologist, formerly a barrister. Primary research interest in poverty and inequality in later life, specialising in the study of social policy for an ageing society with a focus on health and wellbeing. Substantial track record of grant income, policy impact, excellence in teaching and strategic management responsibility. Recent research has focused on the […]

Veronika Prieler

postdoc researcher at University of Amsterdam, ERC project Relocating Care within Europe. Moving older people to places where care is more affordable:

Thomas Rapp

Thomas Rapp, PhD, is a professor of economics at Université Paris Cité, specialized in health economics, ageing economics, and health policy analysis. He is the director of the AgingUP! Excellency Chaire at Fondation Université Paris Cité. He is a former Harkness fellow in health policy and practice at Harvard (2015-2016) and health economist at the […]

Elisabeth Rappold

My professional socialization took place in nursing, academically in nursing science and sociology. My professional experience expandes from hospitals to universities, international aid at the Austrian Red Cross and last but not least in strategical consulting at the GÖG. I am a member of the Advisory Board for aging in the Federal Ministry of Health […]

Rosie Read

I am Principal Lecturer Sociology and Social Anthropology at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at Bournemouth University, UK. I am a social anthropologist and my research spans social anthropology and sociology, using a range oof qualitative and ethnographic research methods.

Tong Ren

Tong is a PhD candidate in Social Policy at the University of Birmingham. Her current PhD research is on ‘The Feasibility and Financial Sustainability of the Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI) System in China’. Based on the China Long-term Care Insurance System Pilot Database (CLIP) and the China Health and Retirement Survey (CHARLS), Tong’s research will […]

Sam Rickman

Sam currently works as a Research Officer in Data Science and the Care System in the Care Policy Evaluation Centre (CPEC) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Sam’s research use machine learning and natural language processing to answer questions about long term care. He uses programming languages like R and Python […]

Tine Rostgaard

Tine is Professor in Social studies at the Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University, Denmark.   She has a Ph.D. in comparative welfare analysis and specializes in analysis of care policies and practices in parental leave, child care and long-term care for older people. She is the co-founder and chair of the international research […]

Andrea Rotolo

Andrea Rotolo is Associate Professor of Practice of Government, Health & Not for Profit at SDA Bocconi School of Management. He is also a contract professor at Università Bocconi, teaching Public Administration in undergraduate courses. He has participated in and coordinated several research and executive education programs involving the leading actors of the Italian healthcare […]

Kirstein Rummery

Kirstein is a Professor of Social Policy at the University of Stirling, and previously worked at the Universities of Manchester, Birmingham and Kent in the UK. She has lived experience of being disabled and being a carer.

Mayte Sancho Castiello

Director General of the Institute for Older People and Social Services (IMSERSO), the Spanish Government agency responsible for the management of social services, since December 2023. Psychologist from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and Master in Social Gerontology from the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid. She was a civil servant at the Institute for Older People […]

Christina Schindlegger

I am working at the Federal Minstry of Social Affairs in Austria.

Andrea E. Schmidt

since March 2022 – Head of department, Competence Centre Climate & Health, Austrian National Public Health Institute 2016-2022 – Deputy head of department & senior health expert, Department of health economics, Austrian National Public Health Institute 2010-2016 Researcher, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Vienna

Jason Schneck

I am  a PhD student at SUPSI & University of Zurich researching the long-term care workforce in Switzerland as it relates to the challenge of turnover and the effect on care delivery. I recently finished a project Gute Pflege that used worker led participatory research to identify issues in the Swiss LTC system that create high […]

Marta Segura

I have a degree in Economic Sciences from UAB (1989) and I did a master’s degree in Economic Analysis at UAB in 1991. PhD in Economics at UPF (1996). Between 1996 and 2003 I worked as academic coordinator and head of studies at ESCI-UPF. Between February 2004 and December 2010 I worked as Director of […]

Igor Shagalov

Igor is a Research Associate within the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His areas of expertise are economics of social care, quantitative analysis, social policy analysis, health economics, institutional economics. Igor holds a PhD in Public Administration from Higher School of Economics (HSE) University. He worked […]

Hari Sharma

Dr. Hari Sharma, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Management and Policy at the University of Iowa College of Public Health. Dr. Sharma completed his PhD in Health Economics at the University of Chicago in 2018.  His research focuses on access, quality, and financing of post-acute and long-term care. More recently, […]

Cheng Shi

Dr Cheng SHI is currently a Research Assistant Professor at School of Graduate Studies and Institute of Policy Studies, Lingnan University. She also serves as the Associate Programme Director of Master of Social Sciences in Health Services Management. Prior to her current position, Dr SHI worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Social […]

Isabel Shutes

Isabel Shutes is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research examines the intersections of international migration and long-term care systems, the inequalities of care work and provision, international recruitment in long-term care, alongside wider research interests in migration and social policy. She […]

Cassandra Simmons

Currently working as a Technical Advisor (Consultant) for long-term care with the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The drive behind my work has been to contribute through research and policy to the sustainable and equitable design of health and care systems, to reducing barriers to care, and to raising awareness of challenges faced by people […]

Joanne Spetz

Joanne Spetz is Director and Brenda and Jeffrey L. Kang Presidential Chair in Health Care Financing at the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies (IHPS), University of California San Francisco. IHPS is a 50-year-old research unit that conducts innovative research to support, guide, and enable policymakers, communities, and clinicians in making evidence-informed decisions […]

Meika Sternkopf

Meika Sternkopf is a doctoral researcher at the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy” at the University of Bremen, Germany. In her Ph.D., she is working on the role of international organizations in LTC with a regional focus on Latin America within the CRC project A07 “Global Dynamics of Long-Term Care […]

Nicole Sutton

Associate Professor Nicole Sutton is highly engaged researcher, who delivers high-quality evidence that informs policy and practice across the aged care sector. As specialist in management accounting, A/Prof Sutton has deep expertise in how financial, management and performance systems influence organisations’ behaviour and decision-making. She has studied such systems in various fields including agriculture, R&D, […]

Viktoria Szenkurök

Viktoria Szenkurök is a teaching and research associate in the Health Economics and Policy Group at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, where she is also pursuing her PhD. Her research focuses on the socio-economic aspects of health and aging, with a particular emphasis on long-term care. In her cumulative dissertation, she examines disparities […]

Hansel Teo

Hansel is a researcher at the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), University of Kent. His work spans issues of social care funding allocation, social care workforce policy, the impact of long term care on well-being and quality of life More broadly, his is interested in applying both empirical and theoretical analysis to study issues […]

Ephrem Tesfay

I am a researcher with a keen interest in integrated long-term care, particularly focus on elderly care. My areas of interest include improving collaboration between formal and informal caregivers, the implementation of innovations and interventions in informal care, and ensuring that care is well-coordinated and effective for those who need it most. Currently, I work […]

Kali Thomas

Kali S. Thomas is the Associate Director of Health Services Research in the Center for Equity in Aging. As a gerontologist, Dr. Thomas’ research focuses on identifying ways to improve the quality of life of older adults needing long-term services and supports (LTSS) through applied health services research. With funding from the U.S. Department of […]

Natasa Todorovic

Natasa Todorovic graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology of the Belgrade University and is a Master of Public Health and current PhD candidate at the Medical School of the Belgrade University. Her primary work over the past two decades has focused on the effects of demographic ageing, in particular on elder abuse […]

María Ángeles Tortosa Chuliá

I have a background in Economics (BA and PhD in Economics, University of Valencia) and I’m currently Senior lecturer at the Department of Applied Economics in the University of Valencia. I managered the intergenerational seniors program at the University of Valencia ‘La Nau Gran en los pueblos’ (2003-2006), participated on the board of the Valencian […]

Birgit Trukeschitz

Birgit is Co-Director of the Research Institute for Economics of Aging at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. She leads the research themes “Digitalisation and long-term care” and “Quality of life and long-term care”. She completed her PhD in Economics and her habilitation in Socioeconomics (venia docendi) at WU. Birgit was a Visiting Research […]

Sharona Tsadok-Rosenbluth

I have a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Policy and Health Management. I am also a certified accountant (CPA) and worked for many years as a CFO in the private sector. Since 2016, I have been conducting research in the field of financing and regulation of LTC. The title of my Ph.D. Dissertation is: “Models […]

Sara Ulla Díez

Coordinator of Studies and Technical Support at the Institute for the Older People and Social Services (Imserso, Spain), managing the unit that promotes research, studies and evaluation activities within the Institute and its National Reference Centers. I am also responsible for the international relations of the Institute. Previously I worked at the Cabinet of the […]

Agne Ulyte

Agne studied medicine and had brief stint as a clinician at Vilnius University, Lithuania, before pursuing a PhD in health services research at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Her postdoc at Harvard Medical School in 2021-2023 focused on health care that nursing home residents receive in the US. Agne is currently a Senior Analyst at […]

Oemar van der Woerd

Oemar van der Woerd is currently working as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Healthcare Governance at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Through mainly ethnographic research methods, his research focuses on the meaning and practice of governing across traditional organizational boundaries for healthcare organizations and their management.

Courtney Van Houtven

Since 2003 I have been a health economist and health services researcher at Duke University School of Medicine, joining Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy in 2019. I am also a Research Career Scientist in The Center of Innovation to Accelerate Discovery and Practice Transformation (ADAPT), Durham Veterans Affairs Health Care System.

Joris Vanormelingen

Policy finance advisor on residential long term care Belgium who is eager to develop a sustainable budgetary qualitative long term care

Davide Vicari

PhD student in Management Innovation, Sustainability and Healthcare at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies

Davide Viero

My studies span from Italy, where I graduated with a BA at the University of Bergamo, to Germany, where I completed an MA in Contemporary East Asian Studies focusing on Japanese Society and Politics at the University of Duisburg-Essen. While working on my MA thesis on civic engagement in shrinking cities in Japan, I first […]

Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto

Cristina Vilaplana Prieto is a full professor at the University of Murcia and holds a PhD in Economics from the Carlos III University of Madrid. Practically, the beginning of my research career has coincided with the implementation in Spain of the System of Autonomy and Care for Dependency (SAAD), and this has been an incentive […]

Pablo Villalobos Dintrans

Pablo Villalobos Dintrans holds a BA in economics and business, as well as a master in economics and public policy from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He also has a MA in economics from Boston University, and received his doctoral degree in public health (DrPH) from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He has […]

Patrick Wachholz

Md, Ph.D., Geriatrics Collaborating professor, Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo State University, Unesp – Brazil Collaborating researcher, Brazilian National Front for Strengthening Long-Term Care Facilities, FN-ILPI – Brazil Collaborating researcher, Worldwide Elements to Harmonize Research in LTC Living Environments (WE-THRIVE) International Long-Term Care Research Collaborating researcher, LOTUS long term care international research consortium Consultant on Long-Term Care, […]

Tomoko Wakui

Tomoko Wakui obtained her Ph.D degree in Health Science in 2012 at the Department of Social Gerontology, School of Health Sciences & Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, Japan. She has been conducting researches in the field of social welfare and social gerontology, such as research on caregiving burden and developing support […]

Sharon Walsh

Dr Sharon Walsh is a Assistant Professor in Economics at the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics at the University of Galway. Her research interests lie in the application of applied economic methods to explore and inform important policy questions related to health and ageing. In particular, she applies these techniques to examine key economic issues […]

Lesley Williamson

Lesley is a Research Associate in dementia care, funded by the NIHR South London Applied Research Collaborative. She works at the Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation, and the Health and Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King’s College London. She completed her mixed-methods thesis in 2023, conceptualising the determinants of emergency department […]

Raphael Wittenberg

Raphael is an Associate Professorial Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Deputy Director of the Centre for Health Service Economics and Organisation (CHSEO) at the University of Oxford. At CPEC, he leads a programme of research on […]

Bram Wouterse

I am an associate professor in health economics at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management. My research focuses on the modeling of health and health care costs over the lifecycle, the fiscal sustainability of health care spending, long-term care, prevention, and socioeconomic inequalities in health and health care use.

Huiwen Xu

Huiwen Xu, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University. Dr. Xu’s research examines the staffing, quality, disparity, and policy in nursing homes using large administrative data and various survey data. He is also interested in applying machine learning to aging research and has built various supervised […]

Wei Yang

Dr Wei Yang is a Senior Lecturer in Health Economics and Policy and Director at the Institute of Gerontology. Trained as a health economist, Wei’s research primarily focuses on assessing the impact of health and long-term care financing policies on disparities in access to care and equity in financing. Wei utilises longitudinal survey datasets to delve […]

Fan Yang

Dr. Fan Yang obtained his PhD degree in social work at the University of Hong Kong in 2015. He is currently an associate professor at the School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Dr. Yang’s research looks at mental health problems of disadvantaged groups, poverty and long-term care policies. He pays particular […]

Stecy Yghemonos

Stecy Yghemonos is the Executive Director of Eurocarers, the European network working with and for informal/family/unpaid carers. Eurocarers brings together 77 organisations from 26 countries, whose collective efforts aim to ensure that the growing care needs of the European population are addressed in a universal and equitable way and that the vital contribution of carers […]

Sunghun Yun

Sunghun Yun is a postdoctoral researcher specializing in health systems and policy research, and also works as a consultant in the Healthy Ageing Unit at WHO WPRO. Sunghun earned a Ph.D. and M.P.H. in Health policy and administration from Seoul National University, after earning a doctoral degree in traditional Korean Medicine. Sunghun has experience of practicing […]

Joseba Zalakain

I have a degree in Information Sciences from the University of the Basque Country (1991) and a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Social Work from the Public University of Navarre (2004). I have been working since 1996 at the SIIS of the Eguía Careaga Foundation, a think tank specialised in the analysis of social […]

Minna Zechner

I work as an associate professor in social work at the University of Helsinki, Finland having social policy background and specialized in health and social services.

Yanan Zhang

Yanan joined the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing in November 2020 as a Research Fellow with a quantitative focus. Her role involves the creation of an evidence base for positive interventions in support of population ageing. She previously worked as a social care economist for the ESRC-funded ‘Sustainable Care: Connecting People and Systems’. She conducts research […]

Jingwen Zhang

Jingwen is a Research Associate at the ESRC Centre for Care at the University of Sheffield, working on Care Data Infrastructure. Previously, she studied her PhD in Social Statistics at the University of Manchester funded by ESRC (advanced quantitative methods). Her project focuses on internal migration and health and well-being in later life in China […]

Jinbao Zhang

Jinbao is a postdoctoral researcher in the Personal Social Services Unit at the University of Kent. He is working on the NIHR ARC project. Prior to this, he received his PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong.

Valentina Zigante

I have a background in economics but have focused my research on adult social care for the past 10 years. My main research interests are the governance and management of social care services, unpaid/family/informal care and long-term care system comparisons with a European focus. Current projects include Supporting Adult Social Care Innovation